Velo-city 2025
10-13 June 2025

Cycle with us


Last edition's speakers

Roel Janssens

Economic Affairs Officer - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Geneva - Switzerland
Mr. Roel Janssens, is the secretary to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics (WP.5). In this capacity he oversees inter alia the development and implementation of a work stream on sustainable urban mobility, public transport and cycling.  In this role he provided secretariat services to a designated inter-governmental Group of Experts on Cycling Infrastructure Module (GE.5/WP.5) which has recently completed its two-year mandate. Mr. Janssens also manages the UNECE-led International Transport Infrastructure Observatory (ITIO) which offers a Geographic Information System (GIS) based platform operating as a virtual marketplace for attracting financing for national, regional, and inter-regional transport infrastructure projects. Ahead of joining the UNECE Sustainable Transport Division in 2018, Roel has worked for over 11 years as the principle Economic Adviser at the secretariat of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in Vienna.


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