I have an extensive experience in geo-location & mobility industry, as senior leader.
Amongst others, I have managed the entire creation of the car navigation map of France and several other countries in Europe, which have become an everyday product and are today at the fingertips of everyone. I have lead sizeable mapping operations in Central & Eastern Europe, Russia and India.
More recently I have decided to leverage my experience for a sustainable society, and to contribute to the shift towards sustainable mobility.
I am currently leading the Belgian Cycle Logistics Federation, with the ambition to develop significantly the sector of cycle logistics. Our vision is to put cycle logistics at the heart of urban logistics (Route33).
Personally, cycling is my freedom. I am a daily cyclist, and during my free time I love to discover new territories on my bicycle, close to my home and in more exotic places.
I am based in Brussels and happy husband, father and grand-father.