Velo-city 2025
10-13 June 2025

Cycle with us


Last edition's speakers

Mohammad Nazarpoor

Bicycle Mayor of Tehran at BYCS, cycling researcher at UCI, PhD student at Tarbiat Modares University - BYCS, UCI, Modares University
Tehran - Iran
Mohammad is a PhD student, researcher at the Urban Cycling Institute, and cycling activist from Iran. He is interested in understanding cycling practices from an anthropological perspective, exploring issues of power, space, gender, culture, and politics. As the Bicycle Mayor of Tehran at BYCS, he believes bicycles are essential for reclaiming space for a more sustainable, healthy, and livable city.
Presentation titles:
The Role of Bottom-Up Practices in Making Cycling Inclusive in Socio-Politically Challenging Contexts: Lessons from Tehran
Strengthening the Human Infrastructure of Cycling in Tehran


Full programme