People will choose the bicycle as their preferred mode of transport if they can ride it safely and comfortably. It is my ambition to pave the way for a world where cycling and other active transport modes define the streetscape in our towns and cities. Cycling is fun, healthy and economical. It is at the core of any successful future mobility system.
Lydia Peeters is Flemish Minister for Mobility and Public Works. Since 2001, she is Mayor of the city Dilsen-Stokkem in the province of Limburg. She was a provincial council for several years en was elected to the Flemish Parliament in 2009. In 2019, she became the Flemish Minister responsible for finance and budget, and energy. Later she also took on responsibility for culture, media and youth. As the current Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works, Lydia Peeters focuses on three main subjects: cycling, sustainability and road safety. Never before has so much been invested in cycling as under Minister Peeters. During her term in office, no less than 1.4 billion euros will be invested in safe and comfortable cycling infrastructure. Born in the city of Maaseik in Limburg, dubbed the Flemish “province of cycling”, Lydia Peeters is a convinced advocate for cycling, riding her bike for functional purposes as well as to relax and enjoy the beautiful landscapes in her home region.