Velo-city 2025
10-13 June 2025

Cycle with us


Last edition's speakers

Line Barfod

Mayor for Technical and Environmental Affairs - City of Copenhagen
Copenhagen - Denmark
As mayor, I envision a city moving full-speed towards a socially just, green transition. A city bubbling with life, play, and work, designed for cyclists and pedestrians—where everyone can enjoy a high quality of life. I am thrilled that Copenhagen will host a World Tour Cycling race in the summer of 2025. We welcome cyclists from all over the World to come join us and celebrate the connection between everyday cycling and competitive sports.
Mrs. Line Barfod is the Mayor for Technical and Environmental Affairs of the City of Copenhagen, the chair of the City Council’s Committee on Technical and Environmental Affairs and represents the Red-Green Alliance in the Copenhagen City Council. The mayor and the committee oversee a large portfolio of tasks, including the City of Copenhagen’s work with local planning, city renewal and development of new areas, building, climate adaptations towards CO2 neutrality, maintenance of roads and parks - and of course traffic, mobility, and cycling. Line Barfod has also been a Member of Parliament for the Red-Green Alliance, serving 10 years from 2001-2011, plus a stint in 1998. Line Barfod holds a master’s degree in law from the University of Copenhagen and has represented the lawfirm Foldschack & Forchhammer. Mayor Barfod was the host of the Copenhagen Bicycle Summit 2022, where the EU launched its’ efforts towards an EU cycling strategy.


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