Velo-city 2025
10-13 June 2025

Cycle with us


Last edition's speakers

Kris Vanherle

Co-Founder - Telraam
Leuven - Belgium
Kris Vanherle is a biochemical engineer and holds a master degree in environmental sciences. Kris has broad expertise in the environmental aspects of transport and has managed several studies for European national governments. A key research field in which Kris is active, is the quantification of emissions emitted by the various transport modes. Kris is regularly involved in impact analysis of various measures to reduce environmental impact of transport (eco-taxation, CO2 standards, subsidies for new green technologies, scrappage schemes, ...) based on quantitative model studies. More recently Kris works with citizen science techniques as a new method for the impact analysis of air quality and mobility. In that context he had co-developed Telraam (, and is CEO and co-founder of Rear Window, the company maintaining and developing Telraam.
Presentation title: Does a schoolstreet lead to more cycling to school? A case study in Belgium


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