Dr. Julien Allaire is Head of International Operations at TRANSITEC Consulting Engineers Ltd. Specialised in urban transport policy and planning, Dr Allaire has been working in various fields of urban mobility, mostly for and with public decision makers, at national and local levels. Recently, his activities were mainly focused on urban transport policy, governance and financial issues related to sustainable mobility in African cities. Based in Kigali since September 23, he has more than 15 years of professional experience in urban mobility field in Europe, Asia and Africa. Prior to Transitec, he was general manager of CODATU, a French NGO promoting sustainable urban mobility in the Global South. And during about 10 years, he has been deeply involved, on voluntary basis in the development of L’Heureux Cyclage, the francophone network of DIY bike coops.
Presentation title: How to generate and manage big flows of cyclists ? An historical and technical review of the case of Paris