Joost de Kruijf was born in august 1976 in ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. He received his bachelor’s degree in Transportation
Engineering in 1999 from the Breda University of Applied Sciences. After that, he started his master‘s degree in Urban Geography at the
Utrecht University and graduated in 2002. In a parallel vein, Joost started his career as a traffic forecast modeling specialist in 1999
supporting government in anticipating on impact of future mobility. In 2011, Joost moved to the Breda University of Applied Sciences to focused more on
research and innovation in the field of transportation and the built environment. At that time, he started his PhD research at the department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning at the Utrecht University.
Most of his research concentrates on data-driven (cycling) policy and business enhancement including topics as accessibility, user-experience, network planning and digital twinning. In his current work, Joost focusses on establishing strong connections between science, government, and industry in the field of mobility, built environment and data solutions. His works are published in a variety of peer-reviewed international journals, including Transportation Research part A, Travel Behaviour and Society, Journal of Transport and Health, Transportation Research Procedia, Landscape and Urban Planning, Journal of Transport Geography, and Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.
Presentation title: Safe back home from school