Velo-city 2025
10-13 June 2025

Cycle with us


Last edition's speakers

Isabella Thöger

Director - Cykelfrämjandet
Stockholm/Uppsala - Sweden
Isabella Thöger is the director of Cykelfrämjandet - the Swedish National Cycling Advocacy Organisation. She studied landscape architecture and law and among other things she has worked as a project manager in an environmental NGO. Through Cykelfrämjandet she has organized bike courses for people who would like to learn how to ride a bike in the city of Malmö, Sweden, before becoming the director of the organization. Isabella is interested in how we can design our cities and country sides in a way that makes it easy to live a healthy, sustainable and enjoyable life. Her special interest is how we on a group level can include more easy movement in our daily lifes. The answer to all of this is ofcourse: design our cities (and country side) for cyclists! 


Full programme