Hans Voerknecht gives equitable accessibility the right place in the discussion on the functioning of Daily Urban Systems and Daily Regional Systems.
Hans is one of the leading experts in the Netherlands and Belgium on developing a new equitable approach to accessibility. Here, he looks at the functioning of the total Daily Urban System (mobility and spatial planning) and the effects of interventions in it. This includes mapping the distributional effects on society and identifying the interests and opportunities of various groups. His main object is to search for ways to provide an adequate, equitable accessibility for everybody.
To this end, Hans developed the pioneering method Integrale Kijk Op Bereikbaarheid (IKOB) or Integrated Perspective On Mobility, together with a group of scientists, CROW and the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. He programmed the software and made it Open Source available. This software and underlying data files are Open Source and available on CROW's site.
In his company Een Nieuwe Kijk, he works with governments, scientists and consultancies on the application and further development of IKOB and the effects of putting the bike more central in transport justice.
Presentation title: (16:00 -16:15) Cycling for sufficient accessibility for everybody