Velo-city 2025
10-13 June 2025

Cycle with us


Last edition's speakers

Christian Rudolph

Professor - Technical University of Applied Sciences of Wildau
Wildau - Germany
Professor Christian Rudolph is the head of the chair of Intermodal Bicycle Transport at Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau since April 2021. He studied Civil Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) with the focus on Transportation. After two years of engineering consultancies at a private company for urban and traffic development planning he returned to academia. He joined the Hamburg University of Technology in 2009. After his promotion in 2014 he joined the German Aerospace Center. There, at the Institute of Transportation Research he headed the research group last mile logistics and freight, researching mainly on the drivers towards cargo bike use in commercial applications. With stopovers in Barcelona, Dubai, Zagreb and Washington DC Christian Rudolph investigated the acceptance of bicycle use and tries to improve safety for cyclists and other vulnerable traffic participants.
Presentation title: Bike-Transit: Fish Bowl Discussion about country-specific solutions to combine transit and bike use for commuters


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