Velo-city 2025
10-13 June 2025

Cycle with us


Last edition's speakers

Camille Thomé

Director - Vélo & Territoires
Lyon - France
CEO for the past 20+ years of Vélo & Territoires, a national network of +220 public authority dedicated to developing cycling policies. Member of the EuroVelo Council during 12 years until 2023, Board member of the ECF since 2019, Camille Thomé has quite a retrospective look on the French and European cycling scene and is particularly aware of the role of public authorities must play to implement cycling policies; of the importance of systematic trans-sectorial approach and joint-alliances ; of how interconnected the European, national and local initiatives are from the EuroVelo continental approach to the French national cycle route network to the regional and local links of cycling facilities.


Full programme