Velo-city 2025
10-13 June 2025

Cycle with us


Last edition's speakers

Andreas Piller

Sustainable Mobility Expert - ICLEI European Secretariat
Freiburg im Breisgau - Germany
Andreas Piller is a Sustainable Mobility Expert at ICLEI Europe. He is the lead coordinator of the CIVITAS Initiative and impact evaluation lead for the European Mobility Week campaign. Andreas previously worked for ten years as a transport planner in Bellevue (WA), a mid-sized city in the United States, where he focussed on improving access to opportunity for people using sustainable travel modes. His expertise includes bikeway design and network implementation, bike share programme management, multimodal mobility policy, public transport and safe systems strategic planning, and stakeholder engagement. To Andreas, bicycling is happiness in motion, and he is committed to helping reshape streets and cultivate communities that empower people of all ages and abilities to know that delight first-hand.
Presentation title: The Future Is Bright: Engaging Youth in Creating Cycling Friendly Communities


Full programme