Velo-city 2025
10-13 June 2025

Cycle with us


Last edition's speakers

Aleksander Lannoy

Senior Mobility Consultant - Donkey Republic
Copenhagen - Denmark
Aleksander Lannoy is a senior mobility consultant for Donkey Republic who has been focusing on bringing sustainable, qualitative and affordable bikeshare operations to Belgium and the Netherlands. Aleksander was born and raised in Ghent but has been living and working in Copenhagen, the biking capital of Europe, since April 2022. He has been involved in, and has actively worked on, several public regional tenders on the Flemish market, with success. Next to this Aleksander has also been working on growing the B2B market for Donkey Republic.  In Copenhagen and whenever he's back home in Belgium or in the Netherlands for work, Aleksander uses a Donkey Republic bike as his preferred commuting option.
Presentation title: (13:45 – 14:00) The impact on commuting habits thank to a regional bike-share and its integration with the public transport network


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