Getting the right data? Ask citizens and schools!
18 Jun 2024 14:45 - 15:45 STROP (Blue room) Lectures
Connecting Industries & Sectors
How can collecting data help cycling policy and planning and contribute to better safety, particularly for children? In this session we will hear about the City of Ghent’s approach to data collection on routes that children take to identify “pain points” and obstacles children face. We will also look into the data-driven cycle policy approach, that helped the City of Breda implement concrete safety interventions in routes that students take to schools. In Sibiu, Romania, a local cycling NGO (Urban Bike Revolution) developed a methodological approach to collect a comprehensive dataset capable of establishing the modal share among students. Lastly, we will witness how the collaborative effort in Herzele, near Ghent, created a unique collaboration in which citizens, schools and local government worked together to measure the effects of introducing a school street before and after its implementation.