Cycling challenges… Challenging each other in the Flemish cycling policy
18 Jun 2024 14:45 - 15:45 MASTEL (Yellow room) Storytelling
Connecting regions, cities and Neighbourhoods
Join us for an inspiring session on the main challenges in the Flemish cycling policy. We will present our innovative governance structure with a focus on a bottom-up cycling policy and cooperation. We focus on some facts and figures and try to explain how we gained a place at the head of the pack and which challenges are still ahead of us. We combine infrastructural and non-infrastructural measures and use data to feed and monitor our cycling policy. We aim for 2 main ambitions: safer cycling and more cyclists.
In this session, we will take a closer look at 3 remaining challenges to reach those ambitions: cycling safety, the bike as a crucial link in combi mobility (‘Hoppin’) and realizing qualitative and sustainable infrastructure. Where are we now and how can we reach our ambitions by 2040?