Velo-city 2025
10-13 June 2025
Velo-city 2024 Ghent
Velo-city 2026, 2027 & 2028
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Energizing Solidarity
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Last edition's speakers
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Last edition's programme
Energizing Solidarity
Last edition's programme
Last edition's speakers
18 Jun
19 Jun
20 Jun
21 Jun
Select a speaker
Adelheid Byttebier
Adriaan Scheiris
Adriaan van Doorn
Adrian Mazur
Agathe Daudibon
Akalu Assefa Busho
Aleksander Lannoy
Aleksander Buczyński
Alessia di Maio
Alex Baum
Alexander Pazuchanics
Alexander Czeh
Alexandra Reinagl
Alexandra Fournier
Alina Prey
Amanda Ngabirano
Amandine Mauvais
Amelie Miet
Ananda Groag
Anders Wellving
Andreas Friedwagner
Andreas Piller
Andrei Rusu
Andy Lambert
Angela Franke
Angela Francke
Angelo Meuleman
Anke Schäffner
Anna Niska
Anna Bucher Lassen
Anna Dinesen
Annarita Leserri
Anneleen Bergiers
Anthony Rinaldi
Antoine Laporte Weywada
Antonio Pérez Peña
Aurélien Boulé Fournier
Axel Weydts
Bapusaheb Gaikwad
Bárbara Oliveira Soares
Bas de Geus
Belén Calahorro
Ben Abelshausen
Benjamin Beirens
Benoit Beroud
Benoît Dupriez
Bertrand Tison
Betelihem Taddesse
Björn van Noord
Bram De Pooter
Bram Aertsen
Brecht Vercruysse
Brecht Van der Meulen
Bregje van der Sterre
Brian Bell
Camille Thomé
Candide De Bruyn
Carlos Gamez
Carlos Mateo
Caroline Van Renterghem
Caroline Lodemann
Caroline Maes
Cassandre de Froidmont
Cécile Van Overstraeten
Cécile Drouet d'Aubigny
Cédéric De Clercq
Ceri Woolsgrove
Charlotte Guth
Chris Bruntlett
Christian Werner
Christian Rudolph
Christina Rutka
Christine Zopf-Renner
Clarence Eckerson
Claudia Leschik
Clotilde Imbert
Connie Juel Clausen
Corneel Casier
Crescent Marault
Cyprine Odada
Daan van der Burgh
Dagmar Köhler
Damien Vander Heyden
Damien O’Tuama
Dan Kollár
Dana Stolte
Daniel Piatkowski
Dariusz Niewitała
David Leistner
David Gaarsdal Rønnov
Denis Brachet
Dennis Knese
Dominik Scholz
Donal Kerr
Dorothea Schaffner
Doug Gordon
Duncan Dollimore
Duygu Karabay Doğan
Ed Lancaster
Eglantina Dani
Elin Lundmark
Eline Oftedal
Els Van den Broeck
Emanuel Barbito
Emil Rensvala
Emil Maj Christensen
Emilia Suomalainen
Emily Cambridge
Emmanuel John
Engin Aktürk
Esen Köse
Esther van Garderen
Evelien Marlier
Fabian Küster
Fabien Bagnon
Fabrizio Prati
Felipe Targa
Felix Gotzler
Felix Beyer
Filip Watteeuw
Florence Grégoire
Franca Fellmann
Francesca Vanthielen
Francisco Macedo
Françoise Rossignol
Frank Van Gool
Frederico Henriques
Freya Grove
Freya Slootmans
Froso Christofides
Geir Bartz-Johannessen
Georges Gilkinet
Gerdien Rots
Giovanni Circella
Giovanni Zayas
Giulia Maroni
Goran Lepen
Graham Watson
Grant Ennis
Gregor Steklačič
Gregory Perez
Guénolé Poline
Han Tambuyzer
Hannah Hook
Hans Stoops
Hans Voerknecht
Harpreet Bajaj
Harri Vaarala
Harriet Omondi
Haynes Bunn
Helene Gaspar
Hemmo Rättyä
Henk Swarttouw
Henri Nolden
Henrik Söderström
Henrik Lundorff Kristensen
Herbert Tiemens
Holger Haubold
Ilari Heiska
Inês Sarti Pascoal
Isabela Ribeiro Castro
Isabell Eberlein
Isabella Thöger
Isabelle Clement
Itsi Alveano
James Thoem
James Huang
Jamie Clarke
Jan Vermeulen
Jan Pelckmans
Jan Christiaens
Jana Heimel
Jaron Borensztajn
Jean-Michel Boëz
Jelle Vercauteren
Jeremy Yap
Jeroen Nijhuis
Jessica Casagrande
Jesus Freire
Jill Warren
Jo Jewell
Jo De Niel
Joanna Saber
Joerg Altekruse
Johan De Mol
Johanna Karl
Johannes Heidner
Johannes Rodenbach
John Simmerman
Jones Karlström
Jonne Silonsaari
Joost de Kruijf
Joran Van Daele
Jordi Bosch Pla
José Besselink
Josefine Wickenbrock
Juliana DeCastro
Juliana Betancur Arenas
Julie Schack
Julien Allaire
Julien de Labaca
Jullietta Jung
Juul van Rijn
Jørgen Wanscher
Karen Vancluysen
Karen Scheire
Kassandra McCleery
Kevin Mayne
Keynote by Janette Sadik-Khan
Kim Broschmann
Kit Allwinter
Konstanze Meyer
Kris Vanherle
Kristian Brink
Kristof Hayen
Kyle Wagenschutz
Laura Bodyn
Lea Rikato Ružič
Lena Heikka
Leo Casey
Lidia Signor
Lieven Raes
Lindsay Broadwell
Line Barfod
Lou Vignaud
Louis-Philippe Rioux
Luc Desmedt
Luca Leomanni
Lucie Anderton
Luis Zerbst
Lukasz Wyrowski
Lydia Peeters
Mads Rosenkilde Larsen
Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło
Magda Kopczyńska
Maik Bock
Manuel De Araujo
Mareike Rauchhaus
Marek Zahradník
Margot Vandorpe
Margot Daris
Maria Clara Trujillo
Marie Kåstrup
Marion Galan Alfonso
Mariona Conill de Azpiazu
Mark Wagenbuur
Mark Ames
Marko Velzek
Marlene Sattler
Martin Loidl
Martin Eder
Martina Lohmeier
Mathias De Clercq
Mathieu Nicaise
Mathieu Rabaud
Matthew Baldwin
Matthias De Mey
Melissa Bruntlett
Meredith Glaser
Michael Koucky
Michael van Eggermond
Michele Murphy
Michiel Grosemans
Mihály Antal
Mio Suzuki
Mohammad Nazarpoor
Monica Silvestrini
Monique Verhoef
Movie and Q&A session
Naomi Doerner
Naomi Cambien
Naomi Kloostra
Naseem Akhtar Bem
Nathalie van Loon
Nick Brown
Nivesh Dugar
Norbert Schmidt
Norbert Mol
Ole Kassow
Olivier Schneider
Olivier Coops
Pascal Brackman
Patrick D'Haese
Pernille Bussone
Peter Vansevenant
Peter Brisman
Petr Gelnar
Petteri Nisula
Philip Amaral
Philippe Crist
Philippe Van de Casteele
Pierre-Eric Letellier
Pinar Pinzuti
Piotr Kryszewski
Rachel Scott
Raphaël Cherrier
Renaat Coene
Rita Naessens
Roberta Frisoni
Roberta Calcina
Robin Kleine
Rodney Ellis
Rodrigo Guerrero Maldonado
Roel Janssens
Rok Žnidaršič
Romee Nicolai
Rosslyn Colderley
Roxanne De Beaux
Ruxandra Aelenei
Saar Fivez
Sam Balto
Sandra Wagener
Sanna Ojajärvi
Sanne Vanderstraeten
Sara Tsudome
Sarah McMonagle
Sarah Krauze
Sarah Toone
Sarah Mitchell
Sarah Karge
Saskia Opdebeeck
Sébastien Marteau
Semion Smolenskyi
Sergio A. Useche
Seth Solomonow
Shady Cantarella
Shane Prendergast
Shane Gubbins
Sheila Uwase
Sheila Watson
Shelley Bontje
Sidsel Kjems
Sidsel Birk Hjuler
Signe Helledi
Silke Brocks
Silvia Casorran
Simon Labouret
Simona Larghetti
Simone Jorink
Sofie Van Campenhout
Solomon Green-Eames
Stéphanie Mangin
Susanna Maggioni
Suzanne Pirie
Suzanne Forup
Sven Taeldeman
Svenja Golombek
Sylvain Raifaud
Teun Zeegers
Thomas Zaw
Thomas Deweer
Thomas Rosset
Thomas Peignard
Thorsten Koska
Tiago Oliveira
Tim Scheirs
Tim Asperges
Tom Assman
Tom Knights
Tom Nutley
Tom Vinck
Tomi Viiala
Tony Arnold
Toon Vervoort
Valentin Hasler
Veerle Bekaert
Véronique Watelle
Viktor Goebel
Wies Callens
Wigand von Sassen
Will Butler-Adams
Wille Tuomola
Wim Beelaert
Wim De Groof
Wim Bot
Wim Schuddinck
Winfried Huba
Winnie Sambu
Wout Baert
Ya-Wen Chen
Yves De Beleyr
Yves Vercruysse
Yves Roelandt
Select a theme
Connecting people & communities
Connecting regions, cities and Neighbourhoods
Connecting cycling with other modes
Connecting Industries & Sectors
Academic sessions: From research to practice
Tuesday, 18th June 2024
09:00 - 09:40
Opening ceremony: Connecting through Cycling
Filip Watteeuw
Henk Swarttouw
Mathias De Clercq
Jill Warren
Francesca Vanthielen
Lydia Peeters
Keynote by Janette Sadik-Khan
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
09:40 - 10:30
PLENARY 1: Connecting through cycling - building a cycle community for all!
Cyprine Odada
Isabelle Clement
Ole Kassow
Will Butler-Adams
Francesca Vanthielen
Naomi Doerner
Panel discussion
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
10:30 - 11:00
Exhibition opening and coffee break
11:00 - 12:00
Bikevolution: Transforming cities for more active mobility
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
Wheels of change: Fighting transport poverty through access to bicycles
Fast pedal talks
MASTEL (Yellow room)
The power of activism and cycling advocacy
STROP (Blue room)
Designing Streets for Cycling - a practical workshop
GRAVENSTEEN (Green room)
Tackling bike theft through bicycle registration - towards a European approach?
Panel discussion
CUBERDON (Orange room)
Utrecht, Oulu and Copenhagen discussing their "cycling problems", who wins the battle?
Fireside chat
PIERKE (Freewheel stage)
12:15 - 13:15
Mess-up session: From empty bike garages to failed communication or bike-sharing
Mess-up session
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
Women in Cycling: Bringing diversity to the bike sector
Panel discussion
MASTEL (Yellow room)
Securing new funding opportunities for cycling
Panel discussion
STROP (Blue room)
How to keep cyclists safe in Last Mile Delivery logistics - the SAFE-LMD project
GRAVENSTEEN (Green room)
From research to practice: Cycling as a last-mile solution around the globe
CUBERDON (Orange room)
Cycle-Friendly Employers: Where success meets impact
PIERKE (Freewheel stage)
13:15 - 14:45
Freewheel Stage: PBSC Urban Solutions ; YouBike ; Stromer Bike (13:45 - 14:45)
Poster Session: Connecting people and communities (13:45 - 14:15)
14:45 - 15:45
The Cycling Safety Paradox: About helmets, dancing and victim blaming
Panel discussion
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
Cycling challenges… Challenging each other in the Flemish cycling policy
MASTEL (Yellow room)
Getting the right data? Ask citizens and schools!
STROP (Blue room)
CIE: Which are the best ranking bike share cities in 2024 and why?
GRAVENSTEEN (Green room)
Cycling for everyone: Building an inclusive bicycle culture
CUBERDON (Orange room)
Smart Pedal Pitch: Discover the latest cycling innovations!
Open format
PIERKE (Freewheel stage)
15:45 - 16:15
Freewheel Stage: Een Nieuwe Kijk (15:45 - 16:15)
Coffee break
16:15 - 18:00
PLENARY 2: From Jam to Jazz: Rethinking traffic to change cities & ECF AWARDS
Filip Watteeuw
Piotr Kryszewski
Jeremy Yap
Rodney Ellis
Karen Vancluysen
Roberta Frisoni
Line Barfod
Panel discussion
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
18:00 - 19:30
Welcome reception
Wednesday, 19th June 2024
09:00 - 10:15
PLENARY 3: Cycling strategies - Joining national and international forces
Magda Kopczyńska
Georges Gilkinet
Kevin Mayne
Sheila Watson
Adrian Mazur
Jill Warren
Panel discussion
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
10:15 - 10:45
Freewheel Stage: German Cycling Embassy (10:15 - 10:45)
Coffee break
10:45 - 11:45
Beyond bikelash: Unleashing the power of citizen participation
Panel discussion
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
Inclusion and diversity: Assessing cycling from different perspectives
MASTEL (Yellow room)
From urban to rural cycling: Paving the way for car-lite communities
STROP (Blue room)
Cycling across borders: Implementing the right infrastructure in different global contexts
Panel discussion
GRAVENSTEEN (Green room)
From research to practice: Studying the benefits of cycling
CUBERDON (Orange room)
City of Paris and Strava - empowering the community through cycling
Panel discussion
PIERKE (Freewheel stage)
12:00 - 13:00
UN-Habitat, Africa Urban Cycling Organization, Ochenuell Mobility: Challenges and opportunities for cycling in Africa
Panel discussion
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
HELP! How to tailor and advance cycling policy: Insights from Belgium, Austria and Denmark
Panel discussion
MASTEL (Yellow room)
Intersections: Innovative solutions for safe cycling infrastructure
STROP (Blue room)
Inclusive bike-sharing systems: Planning next steps to expand
Round table
GRAVENSTEEN (Green room)
Cycling data standards demystified: Putting cycling in the centre of multimodal solutions
CUBERDON (Orange room)
Dutch Cycling Embassy: Connecting through cycling
Panel discussion
PIERKE (Freewheel stage)
13:00 - 14:30
Freewheel Stage: PBSC Urban Solutions ; Donkey Republic ; RouteYou (13:30 - 14:30)
Poster Session: Connecting cities, regions and neighbourhoods (13:30 - 14:00)
14:30 - 15:30
Gear up for success: Engaging the youth and promoting cycling to school
Fast pedal talks
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
Safely in the saddle using data, laws and infrastructure solutions
Fast pedal talks
MASTEL (Yellow room)
Transportation models to put cycling at the centre of planning
STROP (Blue room)
No place for Speed-Pedelecs? Road allocation challenges and what they reveal
Round table
GRAVENSTEEN (Green room)
UITP: Shaping a multimodal lifestyle around public transport and cycling
Panel discussion
CUBERDON (Orange room)
From research to practice: How can cycling enable mobility justice?
PIERKE (Freewheel stage)
15:30 - 16:00
Freewheel Stage: Fifteen (15:30 - 16:00)
Coffee break
16:00 - 17:00
Making the benefits of cycling an election issue
Fireside chat
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
The power of high-quality cycling networks
MASTEL (Yellow room)
Enabling car-free living : what reduces car ownership?
Panel discussion
STROP (Blue room)
Networking for young professionals in the cycling sector
Round table
GRAVENSTEEN (Green room)
Promoting health and equity - Strong cross-sector partnerships to scale up pilot projects
CUBERDON (Orange room)
From bike bus to BMX: Creating resilient communities by making cycling fun and safe
PIERKE (Freewheel stage)
17:00 - 18:30
Film screening: When We Cycle
Movie and Q&A session
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
19:00 - 22:00
Bike parade
Thursday, 20th June 2024
09:00 - 10:15
PLENARY 4: Transport Tango: Mixing and matching modes for sustainable cities
Lucie Anderton
Philippe Crist
Alexandra Reinagl
Frank Van Gool
Simona Larghetti
Ananda Groag
Panel discussion
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
10:15 - 10:45
Freewheel Stage: Cyclis Bike Lease (10:15 - 10:45)
Coffee break
10:45 - 11:45
How municipalities across Europe promote active mobility to school
Panel discussion
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
CIE: How cycling is transforming urban logistics across Europe
MASTEL (Yellow room)
Cyclists love trains – it’s complicated!
Panel discussion
STROP (Blue room)
Developing an EU funded project proposal and dealing with challenges that come with it
Round table
GRAVENSTEEN (Green room)
10 years of cycle highways in Flanders: A look behind the scenes of Flemish cycle highways
Panel discussion
CUBERDON (Orange room)
From Lycra to Jeans: How recreational cycling leads to daily cycling
Panel discussion
PIERKE (Freewheel stage)
12:00 - 13:00
From research to practice: The role of perceptions and narratives in shaping mobility
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
Sustainable urban logistics: Unveiling the potential of cargobikes
Panel discussion
MASTEL (Yellow room)
The lightbulb moment: The power of immersive learning experiences
STROP (Blue room)
Cycling and TEN-T: A practical workshop on integrating active modes in large infrastructure projects
GRAVENSTEEN (Green room)
Regional cycling networks: Strategies and governance models to connect urban and rural areas
CUBERDON (Orange room)
The very latest in bicycle parking implementation and practices
Panel discussion
PIERKE (Freewheel stage)
13:00 - 14:30
Freewheel Stage: Cyclis Bike Lease ; Urban Sharing ; ECF (13:00 - 14:30)
Poster Session: Connecting cycling with other modes (13:30 - 14:00)
14:30 - 15:30
Leave no one behind : Inclusive cycling planning to build communities
Panel discussion
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
Cyclists and pedestrians in public space: Let’s not fight the wrong battle !
Panel discussion
MASTEL (Yellow room)
Innovative mobility hubs for seamless journeys
Panel discussion
STROP (Blue room)
International cooperation on cycle route networks: from a national to a transnational scale
Panel discussion
GRAVENSTEEN (Green room)
From research to practice: Planning cycling networks that work for everyone
CUBERDON (Orange room)
Beyond the rack: The latest bicycle parking innovations
Panel discussion
PIERKE (Freewheel stage)
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee break
16:00 - 17:30
PLENARY 5: Teaming up with other sectors & Smart Pedal Pitch Finals
Eline Oftedal
Meredith Glaser
Jo Jewell
Adriaan Scheiris
Wim Beelaert
Panel discussion
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
19:30 - 23:00
Networking Dinner Party
Friday, 21st June 2024
10:00 - 10:45
The ups and downs of bicycle highways
Panel discussion
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
Bridging the gap: Cycling in cities divided by water
MASTEL (Yellow room)
From podcasts to videos: Reaching a broader audience
Panel discussion
STROP (Blue room)
Overcoming the challenge of tram tracks and bikes
GRAVENSTEEN (Green room)
Challenges and solutions on the road to a circular bike industry
Panel discussion
CUBERDON (Orange room)
Using data to build the case for cycling
Open format
PIERKE (Freewheel stage)
11:00 - 11:45
Creating synergies between cycling and public transport
Panel discussion
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
New skills and business models for the cycling economy of the future
Panel discussion
MASTEL (Yellow room)
CIE: Data-driven cycling: Maximizing the benefits of floating bike data
STROP (Blue room)
Community building through Bike kitchens
Round table
GRAVENSTEEN (Green room)
Better communication about cycling and cyclists
Panel discussion
CUBERDON (Orange room)
Ask the cyclists! Feedback from the Velo-city Open Congress Ghent
Open format
PIERKE (Freewheel stage)
12:00 - 13:30
PLENARY 6: Reimagining the future: Spinning a new story around cycling & Closing Ceremony
Chris Bruntlett
Francesca Vanthielen
Jamie Clarke
Sarah Mitchell
Grant Ennis
Brian Bell
Panel discussion
‘T KUIPKE (Purple room)
13:30 - 14:30