Kortrijk is a city on the banks of the River Lys in West Flanders. The waterways that crisscross our city form the basis for a robust cycling network, connecting us with neighbouring municipalities and the rest of Europe. Old abandoned railway lines have been converted into green bicycle paths and we are continuously enhancing this network with new high-quality connections. For example, in the northern part of the city, we are developing an entirely new network: the Green Connection. Former lanes designated for car infrastructure are being transformed into a new park environment and bicycle network.
Children cycling independently on new smart crossings
In our residential areas and historic centres, there is often not enough space for cycle paths. Therefore, we opt for cycling zones and a fix-the-mix approach. The centre of Kortrijk was transformed into the first cycling zone in Europe. This strategy has proven effective: the number of cyclists is steadily increasing and bicycle accidents are decreasing. We aim to ensure that our youngest and oldest road users can cycle and walk safely in their neighbourhoods. Thus, we strive for low car intensities and slow traffic. In residential streets with more than 200 cars during rush hour, we adjust the traffic circulation. Where we detect excessive speeds, we implement measures to control them.
By reclaiming space from cars, we can provide more room for pedestrians, cyclists and greenery in the city. Kortrijk is committed to greening its urban spaces. We are unpaving parking lots along the banks of the Lys, near the station area and around our parks, while organising underground parking solutions. Busy roads connecting our boroughs to the city centre will be equipped with high-quality cycling infrastructure, and where necessary, we will create new smart crossings.
The pavement around the Conservatorium is transformed into a park area
We also offer cyclists secure areas to store their steel steed. For those without a bike, we provide shared bicycles. To measure is to know: we count our cars, cyclists and pedestrians, and make this data public through our bicycle-counting poles and dashboard traffic analyses.
Cycling data is publicly shared on counting poles
Our residents, policymakers and city administration are the driving force behind our cycling city. We build support by engaging in dialogue, testing, evaluating and making adjustments as needed. In 2020, we were chosen by our residents as the Flemish Cycling City and we were nominated again in 2024.
Technical Visit: Kortrijk Cycle City 2020
Would you like to know more about fix-the-mix, smart bicycle crossings, traffic filters, the Green Connection and unpaving of car lots? Good news! You can visit Kortrijk during one of the technical visits this year and experience these strategies first-hand. The technical visit will take place on Thursday 20 June from 08:30 to 13:30. Check out the route below and stay tuned for the registrations for the technical visits to open.